Showing posts with label AVD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AVD. Show all posts

Sunday 20 May 2018

Azure Helper

Azure Services - Replacing Data Centres with "Azure Virtual Networks"
There are so many different services that are constantly being changed and new services added.  This info looks at using an "Azure Virtual Network" to replace traditional data centres.  This "Azure Virtual Network" scenario covers VM's, Virtual Networking (subnets and VPN's), Resource Groups and backups (Recovery Service vaults).

Replacement of a traditional data centre
Tip:  Virtual Networks is a service offered by Azure.  "Azure Virtual Networks" is my term referring to using Azure to host VMS on Azure that happen to us the Virtual Networks service.
  1. Hierarchy is "VM" assigned to a "VNet" that is in a "Resource Group" on Azure tenant.
  2. VPN creates an encrypted secure tunnel between an office location (from the router/or a specific machine) directly to your VNet, allowing the office to use the VM's internal IP addresses.
  3. Use the "Azure AD Domain Service" rather than a DC on a VM or on-prem/data centre to connect machines together.
  4. "Recovery Service Vault" allows you can set up customised policies to back-up the entire VM's.
Azure SQL

T-SQL to create a new login and assign permissions to a specific database using SQL Server Management Studio:
Use master

USE AzureTimesheetDB
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', 'TestReader';

Add rights to the TestReader user to run a specific Stored Proc:
USE AzureTimesheetDB;   
    TO TestReader ;  

Azure Virtual Desktop/ Azure VDI

Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), previously called Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) is Microsoft's Azures implementation of VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure).  The most common VDI I came across is Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD).  VDI provides a user with a remote desktop instance so a user has their desktop apps and setup from anywhere without need a local laptop build. i.e. don't need to have a full laptop/client machine locally.  The machine is instead hosted as in AVD's case in an Azure Data Centre and the user logs in with their network credentials and gets their instance to work on.  No need to build laptops and easy to move laptop for the user.  Laptop is no longer a risk as the data is held in the data centre.  


I'm not a huge fan of tags, even in complex environments I find naming the resources and arranging the resource groups logically pays a high return.  One exception I use is I tag a common tag "Environment" on all my enterprise resources.  This allows me to quickly filter for production or test environment resource only with the Azure Portal.

updated: 2021/07/07 Azure Data Studio

Azure Data Studio can be used instead of SSMS to look at and query SQL database.