Showing posts with label Angular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angular. Show all posts

Monday 24 January 2022

CorrelationId thoughts for improved logging in SPAs

Problem:  Single Page Applications (SPA) generate a new correlationId/guid on path changes only, when logging to something like App Insights, the SPA using a framework like Angular will have a page view with multiple actions that are logged using the same guid.  

Initial Hypothesis: You can work out the users journey by using the page view guid and tracing the actions to drill down to the issue.  It is far easier to generate a new guid for each action making error tracing simpler/faster for 1st line support.  Also performance issues are far easier to replicate and automate reporting on for changes in performance.   

SPA/Angular Resolution:

  1. import{ Injectable } from'@angular/core'; 

  1. import{ ApplicationInsights } from'@microsoft/applicationinsights-web'; 

  1. import{ environment } from'src/environments/environment'; 


  1. @Injectable({ 

  1.   providedIn:'root' 

  1. }) 

  1. exportclassAppinsightsLoggingService { 

  1.   appInsights: ApplicationInsights; 

  1.   constructor() { 

  1.     this.appInsights = newApplicationInsights({ 

  1.       config: { 

  1.         instrumentationKey:environment.appInsights.instrumentationKey, 

  1.         enableRequestHeaderTracking:true, 

  1.         enableCorsCorrelation:true, 

  1.         loggingLevelTelemetry:1, 

  1.         enableAutoRouteTracking:true// option to log route changes 

  1.       } 

  1.     }); 

  1.     this.appInsights.loadAppInsights(); 

  1.     this.appInsights.trackPageView(); 

  1.   } 


  1.   logPageView(name?: string, url?: string) { // option to call manually 

  1.     alert(name); 

  1.     this.appInsights.trackPageView({ 

  1.       name:name, 

  1.       uri:url 

  1.     }); 

  1.   } 

  1. } 

  1. public getTraceId (){ 

  1.     returnthis.appInsights.context.telemetryTrace.traceID; 

  1.   } 

  2. // Call when needed

Note: Thanks to Pravesh Chourasia for showing me how to do this.