Showing posts with label visual studio 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label visual studio 2010. Show all posts

Saturday 23 June 2012

Windows Azure SDK update

Problem: I want to ensure I have the latest Visual Studio 2010 .NET SDK for Windows Azure.

Initial Hypothesis: Check the version of Visual Studio (VS) by open VS click > Help > About Microsoft Visual Studio.

I know version 1.7 is the current release as of 23/06/2012.
Update 27 October 2012 - The latest version is 1.8 released in October 2012.


Unlike the extension manager that can check for updates, I don't think this is an option with the Windows Azure SDK.  I manaually installed the latest SDK (version 1.7).

Verify that the WA SDK has been updated for VS2010.

Note: At the time of this post Visual Studio 2012 RC is available I am using VS2010 to do my Windows Azure dev.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Powershell Setup for SharePoint Developers

Overview:  PowerGUI (from Quest Software) provides a PowerShell(PS) GUI to perform actions with minimal customisation you get Powershell with Intellesense and colour coding that is SharePoint aware.  Additionally you can plug in a Visual Studio (VS) plug-in (VSIX) that allows you to have PowerGUI functionality directly within you VS IDE.

1.> Install PowerGUI
1.1.> Download PowerGUI at I installed version 2.4.0
1.2.> Install the PowerGUI msi on your development server

2.> Configure PowerGUI
2.1.> Open the PowerGUI application
2.2.> Add the Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell module as shown below:
3.> Write a PS script
3.1.> Open the "PowerGUI Script Editor" by clicking Tools > PowerGUI Script Editor
3.2.> Ensure your intellesense is working by typing "Get-SP", you will see the intellisense pick up the GET-SPSite cmdlet.
3.3> Add the following command and debug with a break point to see PowerGUI in action.  This will get all the Content Types associated to the RootWeb of a specific Site Collection.  Note the variables windows on the right hand side of the PowerGUI interfaces allows you to examine each of the variable objects declared in the script.
It's not full intellesense but it is a huge help to get you most of the way to writing custom PS.

4.> Add PowerGUI Visual Studio 2010
4.1.> Add the "PowerGUI VSX" through extension manager (VSIX) (Tools > Extension Manager > Online Gallery > Search for .. PowerGUI > Download.
4.2.> VS2010 will reboot, ensure VS2010 is open, click "View" > "PowerGUI Console".  You can use the console to write PS.
4.3.>  The VSIX also provides an SPI for adding PS Scripts as shown below:

Error msg:
PS E:\Windows\system32> Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Add-PSSnapin : The Windows PowerShell snap-in 'Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell' is not installed on this machine.

PowerGUI and SharePoint 2010

Update: 19/07/2012 - I downloaded the latest version of PowerGui and tried to call SharePoint scripts arfer adding the SP add-in and got the following error:
Get-SPFarm : Microsoft SharePoint is not supported with version 4.0.30319.237 of the Microsoft .Net RuntimeFix navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerGUI\ScriptEditor.exe.config and edit the xml.  I comented out the line telling PowerGui to use .NET 4.0.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Cannot insert duplicate key row in object

Problem: Error occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Solutions' with unique index 'Solutions_BySiteAndSolutionId'.

Initial Hypothesis: Sandbox solution wsp deployment is causing the error. I delete and created a new site collection with an identical url.

Resolution: Using Visual Studio 2010 in the solution browser, select the project that is not deploying. In the properties window change the 'Site URL' property that tells Visual Studio the site to deploy your project code to. Change the 'Site Url' to something else save the change and then change the 'Site Url' property back to its original value.  Redeploy the project and it deploys correctly.  Thanks to Brian Farnhill.
Read More:

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Creating SharePoint Lists declaratively using Visual Studio 2010

Problem: Create a custom list to hold configuration values in a list.
Resolution Overview: Using VS 2010 create a feature that deploys the new list with content.
1.> Create Site Columns/fields;
2.> Create the Content Type using the Site Columns;
3.> Create the List Definition from the Content Type; and
4.> Add items to the list instance elements.xml.

Resolution Steps:

1.> Create Site Columns by adding a new "Empty Element" item in VS.
Declaratively add the site column to the elements.xml file;
Ensure your element file has been added to a feature for deployment;
Deploy the feature and ensure the Site Column has been add using the UI "Site Setting" > "Site Columns";

2.> Create the Content Type using the Site Columns
Using VS 2010 create a new Content Type;
Add caption
Using the existing Site Column create the Content Type declaratively;
Check the Content Type is create after you have deployed; 

3.> Create the List Definition from the Content Type

Follow the wizard and select the newly created Content Type "Configuration";
Check the List definition has created the elements.xml and schema.xml files;

Edit the Schema.xml File to Show the new columns defined int he content type (otherwise you will only see the "Title" column);

4.> Add items to the list instance elements.xml

Ensure the List is created

Tip: The fields/site columns & FieldRefs used in the elements files can be added thru the VS2010 tools.  VS2010 > View > Toolbar
Tip: Updated 18 Oct 2010 - CKSDev has the functionality to import Site Columns, this is useful in that you may of created the SiteColumns via the UI on a prototype site and you can not easily get the xml to create the site columns/fields declaritively.

Sandbox solution deployment error

Problem: Deploying a solution package to a sandboxed site using Visual Studio 2010 I receive the error "Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': Timeout occurred while running the SharePoint Sandboxed Code service. This service is required to run sandboxed solutions in SharePoint.  Please ensure the service is configured correctly in SharePoint.". 
Resolution: I restarted my "SharePoint 2010 User Code Host" Windows Service.

More: Common error after initial install of SharePoint Error: Cannot start service SPUserCodeV4

Saturday 31 July 2010

Best Practice Sharepoint 2010 coding tips

1.> SharePoint Dispose Checker Tool - Run the SP Dispose Checker Tool on all custom code you write.
SPSite & SPWeb object has a big load and we need to ensure dispose is always called. 2 easiest ways to ensure Site and web objects are always disposed are shown below:
SPSite site;
site = new SPSite("http://demo1"); // Create the SPSite object
if (site != null) // Check if the SPSite object exists
site.Dispose(); // Clean up the SPSite object as it has not be disposed of

Alternatively I prefer to use using statements
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(http://demo1/))

.... // SPSite.Dispose method will be called always
Run the SPDisposeCheck tool on all code before deploying outside of you development environment, this can be automated into VS 2010.
2.> Have at least 3 environments i.e. don't send code from the developers machine straight into production. Sandboxed solutions alleviates this risk to some degree but use a UAT, pre-prod, QA environment. Your deployment environment must mimic production as closely as possible i.e. ensure there is a separate SQL DB, all versions of software are identical, load balancing is setup. Have documented change control. Try perform changes through scripts not manual changes if possible. Web.config changes need to be replicated to all servers on the farm so doing the change manually is not the best option. Change the web.config via code to ensure it is done through the configuration database so they are changed on all web.config's in the farm.
3.> Error handling, catch errors as specifically as possible, die gracefully and appropriately, log the errors, check the production error logs periodically.
4.> Deploy code using wsp solutions. Ensure code is not in debug mode when compiled, it runs slower and potentially can crash/holdup your production environment. Implement CAS, deploy to bins if possible and apply CAS security policies to custom coding. Perform peer code reviews, it ensures coding standards are being followed, developers learn from each other, bugs are often picked up pre-testing and it increases team members knowledge that reduces maintenance costs.
5.> Develop using source control no matter how smal the dev project is. Preferably TFS 2010 but VSS 2005 is even fine, failing this use CVS, IMB/rationals ClearCase for source control. Also have bug tracking with TFS the integration is excellent between the bugs and the source control. I.e. use TFS if possible.
6.> SharePoint projects are often very good candidates to SCRUM or other agile methodologies. Use them if it's appropriate. Traditional formal SDLC / waterfall approaches tend to work well on the larger SharePoint projects.
7.> Use the developer dashboard.
8.> Unit testing - don't test SharePoints API, test your custom code. In MOSS Type Mock isolator was a great product for SharePoint I presume this is still the way to go. Andrew Woodward is a good blogger on SP unit testing.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Deploying to GAC vs bin folder in SP 2010

Problem: Do we deploy our to the GAC or the bin directory.

Answer: It depends on what the dll is, who needs to use it and is the SharePoint farm dedicated. You need to understand Code Access Security (CAS). Key point is dlls in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) have full privileges. dll's in the bin have restricted privileges. You can change the level of permissions for dll's in the bin using CAS policies. SharePoint has 2 policys you can use by default: WSS_Minimal or WSS_Medium (same options as in MOSS). You can also use ASP.NET's policies, there are about 5 of these policies in .NET and the highest level is the "Full Trust" CAS policy. You can also create your own policy. Change the CAS relating to you dll's in the bin via your applications web.config.

Only code that runs in the IIS workprocess can be placed in the bin.  Deploying to the bin minimises permissios but certain tasks such as timer jobs, workflows, service applications and event receivers only work in the GAC.  Deploying to the GAC allows for multiple versions of the dll to exist in the GAC provided versioning is used.  Bin deployment can't have multiple versions.

Note on Sandboxed solutions - runs is the "Microsoft SharePoint Sandboxed Code Service", sandboxed solutions have restricted rights to what it can do. It can permorm basic SP Server side OM's unde the SPSite (Site collection) object under the current SPSite which makes sense. Sandboxed code is deployed to the solutions gallery under the current SPSite. You can also use sandboxed solutions with code proxyies to achieve higher rights operations.  So as you can see sandboxed solutions do not go into the GAC or the bin and CAS is not an issue.  Real option is between GAC + using a Sandbox solution.

Sandbox solutions are good in restricted high usage environments as they allow SharePoint Administrators to validate (manually and via solution validators) the code being uploaded.  Developers are limited in what they can do to the environment.  The counter stop inefficient code once the threshold has been passed.  Administrators can monitor sandboxed solutions to easily identify poorly performing code.

My general rule is: Deploy my custom code to the GAC except if it's not trusted i.e. 3rd party code or there is a business reason/policy not to. It makes dev easier but is not ideal in that best practice decitates that you should apply the minimal levels of security permissions to your code.
Additional Info: Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog on application development.
Great blog on sandboxed solutions

Thursday 15 July 2010

Deploying resources using features

Overview: Feature deployment has changed in SP2010 from MOSS. In MOSS we added files to the 12 hive and deployed them via a feature. In SP2010 the feature is package slightly differently and is marginally easier to create using VS2010 because of the tools. I have VS2010 and the CKSDev tools installed.

Steps to add an xslt file to your style library using a feature in SP2010:
1.> In VS2010 create a new Element;
2.> Under the element add and xslt, change the "Deployment Type" property;
3.> Move the elements to "Items in the Feature" default is "Items in the Solution";
4.> Modify the elements.xml file;

5.> Ensure the itemStyleCustom.xsl exists in the Xsl Style library.

Monday 12 July 2010

VS2010 deployment error Site Url property missing

Overview: Each new developer on a project grabs the solutions/project files from TFS or VSS as in my case. When they try deploy the solution, they receive an error "Error occurred in the deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application pool': Cannot connect to the SharePoint Site: http://... Make sure that this is a valid URL and the SharePoint site is running on the local computer, ... Update the Site URL property on the project."
Resolution: As the error suggest go to the project being deployed and ensure that you local development url is entered in the "Site URL" property. Obviously this setting should not be stored in source control as it will often differ per environment/developer.
Visual Studio 2010 Project properties

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Logging custom error for SharePoint 2010 custom code

Problem: SP2010 has good logging in the ULS logs. Unlike MOSS you can write to the ULS logs in SharePoint 2010, allowing for a single consistant place to log your errors. The event viewer logs errors to a lesser extent than ULS where administrators tend to look first. However, on all projects the topic of how and where to log custom coding errors comes up. What level should the event be caught at and where should they be placed. I have seen multiple was of doing this and it really comes down to what the previous projects used and how do you want to monitor errors.
  1. Don't write code to function using error catching i.e. I have seen developers catch a specific error and from this position they know the code is to follow specific logic -it's very inefficient. Write code to deal with all situations.
  2. Catch errors as specifically as possible, then decide if the error should be bubbled up or can it be dealt with via the logs. But catch the appropriate errors so they are logged.
  3. You can write to Unified Logging Service(ULS) logs but these are often not checked or hard to find issues you have thrown up in your code, so consider using a logging block such as Microsoft's Enterprise Logging blocks or Log4net. Ted Pattison suggests writing to ULS and he know his stuff so if you don't have another specified logging policy write to the ULS. And if you do have another logging method consider writing to the ULS anyway.
  4. There are a lot of logging applications for .NET, and most companies tend to have logging code ready for implementation on your SP 2010 project.
  5. I have seen a MS gold partner use tracing on all projects. So when an error occurs they turn on tracing and try replicate the issue in production environments. Far better to catch errors so you can get your issues resolved quickly and don't need to change config setting or leave tracing enabled on the live production boxes.
  6. A web part error can cause an entire page to throw an application error. However don't throw try catch blocks around all code, rather try catch the errors at more appropriate junctions such as at the service layer. Once again it really depends on the WP.
Summary: Avoid using errors for logic (pretty obvious). Log the errors to a distinct area (database, file system(xml files are pretty useful)) to identifying where and what the issue is. Catch specific errors -try not to catch general exceptions and if you do need to catch general exceptions make sure you have looked for more specific exceptions such nullrefobjectexceptions.

More Info:
MSDN SharePoint Logger -
Writing to the ULS
Update: 5 Dec 2010 - Writing to ULS using SP2010 by Waldek Mastykarz
Update: 18 Jab 2011 - MSDN article on logging and debugging

The SharePoint Logger
using Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation;ILogger logger = SharePointServiceLocator.GetCurrent().GetInstance();
using Microsoft.Practices.SharePoint.Common.ServiceLocation;
using Microsoft.Practices.SharePoint.Common.Logging;
IServiceLocator serviceLocator = SharePointServiceLocator.GetCurrent();
ILogger logger = serviceLocator.GetInstance();
logger.TraceToDeveloper("Unexpected condition");

Update 14 Dec 2010 - ULS Viewer - Tool to view ULS log and filter data
Update 23 Dec 2010 - Tracing using CorrelationId

SharePoint 2010 using VS 2010 and Visual Source Safe 2005

Overview: Client is implementing SP 2010, they don't have TFS and the source control is Visual Source Safe (VSS) 2005.
Steps to integrate VS2010 into VSS 2005:
  • Install the VSS client on your development server/environment;
  • Open the VSS explorer and add the project (Subsequent developers need to locate the file and download a copy) and set the working directory if pulling the project;

  • Open VS2010, select Tools > Options > Source Control > Plug-in Selection > Change the source control to "Microsoft Visual SourceSafe";

  • I prefer to hold my solution file locally and pull my projects however a lot of architects prefer to keep the solution in Source Control. Open the solution in VS2010 and you should be ready to run.
  • Tip: If you projects won't deploy click on the project and look at the "Site Url", this gets cleared down. Enter you local development server url i.e.

Friday 4 June 2010

SharePoint 2010 Developer dashboard

Overview: Developer dashboard allows you to see all calls made from a page under the page in the browser. This allows you to identify poorly performing code & bottle necks. You can see the call stack and the time it takes to perform each call.
OOTB the developer dashboard it turned off. Turn it on using an stsadm cmd or powershell cmd.

Developer dashboard can be setup to allow only certain users to view the stats, this means other users don't suffer the additional resource calls but the developer/administrator can view poorly performing code & page statistics.

Stsadm Method:
1.> Open a cmd prompt running as an administrator
2.> go to: c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\14\bin and
3.> run the following cmd:
stsadm -o setproperty -pn developer-dashboard -pv ondemand
Cmd prompt to turn on the developer dashboard
4.> In the browser click the developer dashboard icon in the top right of the page, as shown below. On the page you can now see the page call information.

Web Services Using the Object Model (Web Serives) Method:
SPWebService cs = SPWebService.ContentService;
cs.DeveloperDashboardSettings.DisplayLevel = SPDeveloperDashboardLevel.On;
Powershell Method:
$db =[Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService.DeveloperDashboardSettings;
$db.DisplayLevel = 'On';
$db.TraceEnabled = $true;