Saturday 18 March 2023

Canvas Apps Workflow logging linkage

Overview:  Power Automate has good monitoring and analysis within the product, and Canvas apps use instrumentation to App Insights and allow for custom tracing.  The issue is linking Canvas app logs to a called workflow.  In this video (2min), I discuss linking Traces in Azure App Insights with flows run on Power Automate.

By passing the the workflow runs workflow back to the calling canvas app, a deep link will allow support to follow a users activity including drilling into the flows being called.

Add additional logging to Azure Log analytics to a custom table within your flows:

Friday 17 March 2023

Why is Postman so fantastic?

Overview: lots of IT technical people user Postman for API creation, exploration, testing.  There is so much more to the product than most developers are aware of.  Initially Postman was for developers to explore and test API's, basically a test rig for API's.  Postman built a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) initially, they have added multiple features over the years and they are so useful.  Most users tend to use the most basic features but could use additional functionality

List of Features I like:

Monitor - Postman has a Monitors option that is great for continuous monitoring, you can link to your collection and run them on a schedule. I like to take a small key set of API's to run every 5 minutes using Monitor to schedule my collection runs (from Postman cloud), this provides me with: Are the APIs running and is their performance decreasing.  The monitoring Dashboards are fantastic, and alerting allows for webhooks or email.  In this post, I monitor API's with OAuth security and send alerts into Microsoft Teams using email on the Teams channels. 

Postman API Builder - Allows me to build OpenAPI contracts and mock the API to allow contract first/API-First  design (UI and backend development can be done independently.  I tend to use Swagger tooling and APIM to mock to do this but I'm very tempted to do use Postman Mock Servers

Postman CLI - This allows me to run collections on my local machine or from a server.  In a post I cover using the Postman CLI to run a postman collections using PowerShell, adding a shortcut to quickly verify and API is running, and I added Elgato Stream Deck so I can click a button and it will run my collection on my laptop. 

More Features: Environments, Tests and collecting responses into variables, Collections, Authentication Reuse, Workspaces, Loading test file data, source control/Git, Pipeline testing Integration,

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Power Platform Logging, Monitoring, and Alerting

This post relates to a previous strategy blog post, read that first

Overview:  Microsoft uses Azure Application Insights to natively monitor Power Apps using an instrumentation key at the app level.  To log for model driven apps and Dataverse this is a Power Platform config at the environment level e.g. UAT, Prod.

When setting up Application Insights, use the Log Analytics workspace approach and not the "Classic" option as this is being deprecated.

Power Apps (Canvas Apps): Always add the instrumentation key to all canvas apps, it is set in the "App" level within each canvas app.  Deploy solutions brings challenges with changing keys for app insights logging (unmanaged layers).

"Enable correlation tracing" feature imo. should always be turned on, it is still an experimental feature but with it off, the logging is based on a sessionid

"Pass errors to Azure Application Insights" is also an experimental feature.  Consider turning it on.

Canvas Apps have "Monitor", Model driven apps also have this ability to monitor, and Power automate has it's own monitoring

Log to App Insights (put app insights on Azure Log analytics), simple example with customDimensions/record.

Trace("My PB app ... TaxAPI.NinoSearch Error - Search - btnABC",
        TraceSeverity.Error, // use the appropriate tracing level
            myappName: $"PB App: {gblTheme.AppName}",
            myappError: FirstError.Message,  // optional
            myappEnvironment: gblEnv,
            myappErrorCode: 10010,
            myappCorrelationId: GUID() // unique correlationId
Query the logs using kusto:
| extend errCode = tostring(customDimensions["myappErrorCode"]), err = tostring(customDimensions["myappError"])
| where errCode == "100100"

Coming June 2023

Push cloud flow execution data into Application Insights | Microsoft Learn

Allows logging to tie Flows back to the calling Canvas app.  You can now do this manually but it has to be applied at all calls to or after the flow.

Below is a basic checklist of decisions to ensure you have suitable logging

Logging Checklist:

  1. Setup Azure Log Analytics (1 per DTAP env e.g. uat, prd)
  2. Get the workspace key needed for logging to Log analytics "Agents" > "Log Analytics agent instructions", copy the Workspace Id and the Secondary Key
  3. Create an Azure Application Insights per DTAP
  4. Each Canvas app needs an instrumentation key (check, have you aligned DTAP log instances with the Canvas App DTAP)
  5. Power Automate has great monitoring, but it is a good idea to setup logging for Dataverse (which shall cover model apps), done thru Power Platform Admin Studio > Environment
  6. Enable Logging Preview Feature for Canvas apps & check the power automate push cloud execution feature state.
  7. Do you have logging patterns in you Canvas app for errors, do you add tracing, and is it applied consistently?
  8. Do you have a Pattern for Power Automate runs from Canvas apps?  I like to log if the workflow errors after the call.
  9. Do you have a Pattern for Custom Connectors?
  10. Do you correlation trace Custom API (internal and 3rd party)? 
  11. Do you have a Try, Catch, Finally scope/pattern for Workflows.  How do you write to the logs, most common is to use an Azure Function with the C# SDK.  I like to use the Azure Log Analytics Connector in my catch scope to push error info into the workspace log using a custom table.
  12. Ensure all Azure Services have instrumentation keys. Common examples are Azure Functions, Azure Service Bus, API Manager, the list goes on...
  13. Do you implement custom APIM monitoring configuration?
  14. Do you use the SDK in your code (Functions etc.)?
  15. Setup Availability tests - super useful for 3rd party API's.

Once you have the logs captured and traceable (Monitor & Alerting Checklist):

  1. Create Queries to help find data
  2. Create monitoring dashboard using the data
  3. Use OOTB monitoring for Azure and the platform
  4. Consider linking/embedding to other monitors i.e. Power Automate, DevOps, Postman Monitor
  5. Setup alerting within the Azure Log Workspace using groups, don't over email.  For information alerts, send to Slack or Teams (very simple to setup a webhook or incoming email on a channel to monitor)
  6. Power Automate has connectors for adaptive cards channel messaging, consider using directly in Flows or from alerts, push the data into a flow that will log the alert using an adaptive card right into the monitoring channel.

Saturday 4 March 2023

How to check if any existing Model Apps use one of the MS deprecated Controls

Problem: Microsoft has listed 6 model app controls that shall no longer work from April 2024.  So how do I check if any of my existing model apps use the offending controls.

"Effective January 2023, the following controls for model-driven apps are deprecated: auto-complete, input mask, multimedia player, number input, option set, and star rating.

Why is this needed?

We will be introducing new Fluent UI controls that have better usability, accessibility, and dark mode support.


  • Starting April 2023, these controls can no longer be added to forms.
  • Existing control instances will work on existing forms until April 2024.

Action required by you

Evaluate existing forms that include a deprecated control and replace them with a newer control."  Source

Hypothesis:  I can go into the forms but I have a lot of forms, on multiple tables that have been customised.  I'd like to speed up the checking process to I'm going to add all model driven apps to a solution (default solution will get too big), and from there I'll extract out the unmanaged solution files and merely run a search for the six offending control names.

Proposed Solution:

1. Unpack your unmanged solution using the Power Platform CLI (pac cmd) onto your filesystem

2. Go to the folder containing all the files and do a search for the offending controls:




Thought: The other 3 controls can no longer be added so as of March 2023, I don't know there names, I played with "mediaplayer" and the others and it looks like I don't have them in any of my solutions.

More Info:

It was way easier for me for a clients whole platform as the DevOps pipelines extract the unmanaged solutions into GitHub as part of each solution deployment.  I merely cloned the latest code base that included all Power platform solutions, and performed the searches to identify issues.  Modern model apps hardly had any instances of the offending controls but the older stuff needs more work to be done to remediate.

Performing the windows file search clearly shows if you have the problem:


<Required schemaName="MscrmControls.NumberInput.NumberInputControl"..

<Required schemaName="MscrmControls.OptionSet.OptionSetControl"..