Thursday 1 January 2015

UI and Framework Notes

Assumed/Common Framework:
Knockout vs Angular vs Backbone -
Modenrizr.js - detect browser capability
underscore - utility functions for arrays and collections.  Feels like LINQ queries
toastr - toast notifications

Data Access Modules:
1.> data.js - manage OData client access for JavaScript (supports caching & batch operations)
2.> Breeze.js - entity modelling and querying (ORM for JS.  Backend transformed to a data object i.e. 3 related customer tables becomes the customer object). Looks like LINQ queries.  Data.js is inside of breeze.

Presentation / App Pattern:
Knockout.js - (MVVM), declarative binding and dependency tracking.  Matches data to front end, then track changes and update.   Easy to use and understand.
Angular.js - MVC data binding,routing (url controls pages).
Compare: Knockout (good for SPAs) for more complex application whereas knockout is more light weight.

Responsive Web Design (RWD):
LESS - Minimises css, makes it simple to read not repeating attributes.
Bootstrap.js / Zurb Foundation 4 - Media queries to style for the device based on 12 column layouts.
Framework for cross cutting concerns (logging, caching,)....

Progressive Web Apps (PWA):
"Progressive Web Apps allow what you build to be installed by anyone, anywhere, on any device with a single codebase"

Created by Google that uses DART .  Build once and HTML deploy for browser UI needs to be responsive.  Separate deployable code for Android and iOS, so PWA compliant.

PWA/RWD UI 3 break points:
  • Desktop: 1024+ 
  • Tablet: 600-1023
  • Mobile: 320-599

Useful JS modules:
JS Mapping module:


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