Saturday 25 April 2015

DevOps Tooling

DevOps Tooling Notes

DevOps Tooling is broken down into the following areas, note the tools often overlap in function.  The list is not exhaustive but these are the more common tools I have come across.
  1. Version Control: TFS, Git, SVN, ...
  2. Bug Tracking: ServiceNow, Jira, ZenDesk
  3. Continuous Testing: Selenium, Jasmin or Mocha or Unit.js (JavaScript testing), NUnit, Web Tests (Visual Studio), SpecFlow
  4. Continuous Integration (CI)TeamCity, Jenkins, Azure DevOps (bigger) 
  5. Configuration Management and Deployment:  Puppet, Chef, ANSIBLE, SALT  (all installed on Linux, obviously work on Windows environments)
  6. Containers: Docker, Kubernetes, Microsoft Containers. I think the Azure AKS is pretty much containers for Azure now.
  7. Other:  PowerShell, VMWare, HyperV
RESTful API Tooling
  1. Swagger - awesome.  Swagger is a set of tools that help document, build and test your API  (Your API conforms to the OpenAPI specification or Swagger specification).  Great way to get a contract for users of the API early on.  Updated 2019/11/25Link to Swagger post
  2. Swagger UI, Swagger Integrator,...
  3. Apiary - UI to create an API and publish with mocks.  I prefer Swagger or on simple projects APIM.
  4. API Management (APIM) - flexible Azure service for bring together multiple API securely.  Same as MuleSoft.  Can import OpenAPI's v2 or v3 to create a hosted API.  Can mock and built in test tool.
  5. RAML is an alternative to Swagger and Apiary (never used)
  6. Blueprint - API documentation tool.  Pretty simple and nice results.
  7. Postman - send http requests to the API.  Postman is a REST client useful to check your API.  This is my main tool for testing, exploring REST based API's.  
  8. SoapUI - if working with SOAP/XML.
  9. Slate - API documentation - I always use OAS/OpenAPI/Swagger.
  10. Fiddler - I'm old school and still love Fiddler and it's capabilities.  Fiddler is a great HTTP debugger.  
  11. BURP - an HTTP debugger to review traffic.  I've used BURP for security testing and it is great for API debugging.  
  12. Charles is another HTTP debugger (never used).
  13. cURL - Cmd line to test API's using HTTP, separate exe to run on Windows, Windows 10 has cURL built in.
  14. Visual Studio
  15. Wireshark - Over the years I have needed packet sniffing to fix issues and always go to Wireshark, I used the tool in the 90's but it had a different name.  Extremely useful for issues relating to firewalls, especially when an environment reacts differently to another working DTAP environment.
  16. Tcpdump is another packet sniffer

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