Monday 13 June 2022

Simple Password protection got GTM - Starting Page

Overview:  I am use the AuthPro service to check a user has a code to access the website.  This is useful for Go to Market (GTM) where you only want a subset of customers to work on your software.  Think of a beta where a user can sign up, you give people with an NDA a code to be able to go thru the sign-up process.

Simple solution:  

To get to the sign-up/register page, use an external service e.g. AuthPro to manage a passcode.  AuthPro injects JS and allows the admin to configure the behavior.  It was pretty simple to setup so only specified users could go thru our sign up process.

Demo:  This page allows the user to login, if, successful the user can proceed and use the website.

Type in the username "password" and the password "password" for access to the hidden page.  

Another Option: Imperva has a lot of features including "Login protection" that can easily achieve the same outcome.


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