Saturday 4 March 2023

How to check if any existing Model Apps use one of the MS deprecated Controls

Problem: Microsoft has listed 6 model app controls that shall no longer work from April 2024.  So how do I check if any of my existing model apps use the offending controls.

"Effective January 2023, the following controls for model-driven apps are deprecated: auto-complete, input mask, multimedia player, number input, option set, and star rating.

Why is this needed?

We will be introducing new Fluent UI controls that have better usability, accessibility, and dark mode support.


  • Starting April 2023, these controls can no longer be added to forms.
  • Existing control instances will work on existing forms until April 2024.

Action required by you

Evaluate existing forms that include a deprecated control and replace them with a newer control."  Source

Hypothesis:  I can go into the forms but I have a lot of forms, on multiple tables that have been customised.  I'd like to speed up the checking process to I'm going to add all model driven apps to a solution (default solution will get too big), and from there I'll extract out the unmanaged solution files and merely run a search for the six offending control names.

Proposed Solution:

1. Unpack your unmanged solution using the Power Platform CLI (pac cmd) onto your filesystem

2. Go to the folder containing all the files and do a search for the offending controls:




Thought: The other 3 controls can no longer be added so as of March 2023, I don't know there names, I played with "mediaplayer" and the others and it looks like I don't have them in any of my solutions.

More Info:

It was way easier for me for a clients whole platform as the DevOps pipelines extract the unmanaged solutions into GitHub as part of each solution deployment.  I merely cloned the latest code base that included all Power platform solutions, and performed the searches to identify issues.  Modern model apps hardly had any instances of the offending controls but the older stuff needs more work to be done to remediate.

Performing the windows file search clearly shows if you have the problem:


<Required schemaName="MscrmControls.NumberInput.NumberInputControl"..

<Required schemaName="MscrmControls.OptionSet.OptionSetControl"..


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