Wednesday 24 November 2010

Extending SPMetal

Problem: Using SPMetal retrieve a list and display the basic columns and the following 3 columns types:
  • Attachments;
  • Html Publishing field; and
  • Image Publishing field.
Extended partial class to retrieve attachments, a html publishing field and a publishing image.  The code link only does the read operation.
Extended partial class (advanced) to retrieve an attachment, a html publishing field, a publishing image and the hidden CreatedBy field.  You can use the parameters.xml when generating the SPMetal proxy to display additional hidden fields such as the CreatedBy field however, if the proxy has already been generated, it is easy to simple extend the partial class to get hidden fields.  This example also adds the code to insert and update the publishing html and the publishing image field columns.

More Info:
SPMetal only generates the proxy classes code against lists that site columns are available in SP2010 foundation.  So you also don't get Manage Metadata or any custom site columns you create.  You also don't get most of the built in columns with the exception of ID & Version using SPMetal.  However, by changing the parameters.xml file you can include them i.e. Modified, CreatedBy.  You can also use the extended partial class method to display the hidden built in site columns - I would use the parametes file and not the extended partial class coding for hidden fields(Field = Site Column).


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