Friday 1 February 2013

PS functionality - logging, xml, local permissions, remote PS

Read config values from an xml file - download zipped files

Download contains:
PS-Logging.Ps1 - Allows for an optional paramter to set the XML file to read from. Of the input xml is not valid or specified revert to reading a predefined xml file from the same location in the directory that PS-logging.PS1 is saved to.
PS-LoggingMore.Ps1 - Easy way to log the PowerShell consoles actions. As it doesn't work with PowerGui, it will check the IDE.
AutoInput.xml - Is an xml files that is used for configuration of these examples.
PS-Logging.png - describes the workings of the files (ignore).

Import External Functions (download) - ability to write separate PS files and call the functions within from the main/starting PS file.

Specifying Input Parameters Strict Example:


Ability to Execute PS on a remote trusted computer

The PS below has 2 simple functions to illustrate:
  • running a remote PS commands (tip, ensure the PS window is running using a network account that has administrator rights on the 2 remote servers) and
  • adding a domain user account or AD group to the local machine administrators group.

Invoke-Command -computername sp-srch1, sp-srch2 -command {
 $computer = [ADSI]("WinNT://" + $env:COMPUTERNAME + ",computer")
 $Group = $computer.psbase.children.find("administrators")
 $acc = "demo/sp_searchservice"
 $Group.Add("WinNT://" + $acc)
 Restart-Service -Name SPSearchHostController  # Restart the windows service
 Restart-Service -Name OSearch15


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