Sunday 17 June 2018

Azure Powershell from VS Code

Overview:  I am moving over to using Visual Studio code for everything including PowerShell.  Historically, I would use PowerGUI as it was the best IDE for PS for many years but PS ISE is excellent and I don't see a material difference these days.  Basically, I use VS code for my ISE for JS, SPFx, C# unless the full versions of Visual Studio speed up my delivery rate, this allows me to remain in VS code without going to PowerGUI or 1 of the Windows PS consoles/IDE.

Get the VS code debugger working: 

Get the IDE (VS Code) ready
On a new VS Code install, add the VS Extension "PowerShell", the VSIX has the description "Develop PowerShell scripts in Visual Studio Code!"

Run and Verify PS is working and output returned is working

Add the Azure Account Extension
Sign into Azure
A notification pops up to authenticate the machine/laptop with you Miscrofot credentials.  Run the popup and sign in to authenticate the local dev IDE.

 Open the Cloud Shell
Verify you are signed in


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