Tuesday 3 July 2018

Visual Studio Code - Azure functions using local Node and JavaScript Problem Solving

Problem:  When I deploy my function locally, I get warnings.  The local server still works but fixing the Functions Worker Runtime issue.

The Visual Studio Terminal when debugging locally output the following warnings:

"your worker runtime is not set. As of 2.0.1-beta.26 a worker runtime setting is required.
Please run `func settings add FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME <option>` or add FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME to your local.settings.json
Available options: dotnet, node, java"

Later it show that Java is the default language:
"Could not configure language worker java."

Open the local.settings.json file and add the "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME" value as shown below.  "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "node",

Problem:  When debugging my Azure Function using Node, I get the following error: "Cannot connect to the runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms - (reason: Cannot connect to the target:)." and the debugger stops.  the local server still serves the application but I cannot debug.

Resolution: After reading many blogs, I was not having any joy.  Finally, I remembered that I have changed the port number the previous day.  In desperation, I changed the port number in the launch.json file back to it's original and the debugger started working.


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