Friday 1 October 2010

SP2010 Connections Conference in The Hague - Day 2

Managed Meta data in custom solutions by AC was a real eye opener.  Managed Metadata Service (MMS) is very powerful and i need to be using it to a much greater degree.  AC's earlier talk on WCM was interesting but not a technical discussion but we were warned so not AC's fault. 

Mirjam van Olst gave a presentation on Logging, Monitoring & throttling.  It's the 1st time I've been to 1 of her presentations and I was hugely impressed she really knows her stuff.

Dan Holme gave a good session on Information Architecture (IA) and the MMS.  Useful as after AC's session i decided i definatelty needed more MMS info.

The last session I went to Wouter van Vugt's session on Access Services - Access services could potentially be huge in SP2010 and it was good to see a techy like Wouter highlight what it was good and bad at.

Generally a good day and a good conference.  Not exactly Vegas 2009 or even Berlin 2007 in quality but worth the trip and met some nice people that are really passionate about SharePoint.


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