Wednesday 23 May 2012

User Information List

To see a site collection's hidden user information list append /_catalogs/users/simple.aspx onto the end of the site collection url.

How User InfoWorks?
When a user is given permission to the site collection or the 1st time the user log in, their credentials/user info gets added to the UserInfo list.  The UserInfo user data does not get added to the list when a user is added via AD groups; only when the AD added end user logs into the site collection for the 1st time do they get an entry in the list.
Note: The UserInfo list entry is not added if you pick the user in a list within a people picker column.

For the display of a specific user: _layouts/15/userdisp.aspx?ID=25&Force=True

I get the users Id in the UI by appending this to the URL: /_layouts/15/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0 
I then find the user and find their Id and use this URL in the browser to see the user info:


David Lozzi said...

Similarly, you can change the MembershipGroupId to 0 to get all users

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