Wednesday 12 February 2020

Power Apps - DTAP Azure diagram

Overview:  A sample architecture for DTAP in a highly controlled environment.  There are a lot of variations and the ability to use Power Apps publishing.

There are a few ways to manage environment deployments.
  1. Simple: Create in unmanaged solutions and Export and Deploy Managed solutions manually using the Power Platform Ux.
  2. Enterprise: Build Azure DevOps pipelines to add unpacked code to Github and deploy solutions using Azure pipelines.
  3. 3rd party ALM tooling, some is specific to Dynamics.
  4. Nov 2022 - Microsoft announce Power Platform Pipelines 

Custom Connectors:  As you step thru the DTAP environments using ALM to deploy you need to point the custom connector to the appropriate APIM (API):
Environment Variables are extremely useful for ALM


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