Saturday 22 February 2020

Catch Error in Power Apps and App Insight Logging

Error Handling:
App Insights logging:  Replaced as Microsoft have built in telemetry as of 3 Feb 2020.

Example Error capturing and tracing to Azure AppInsights:
IfError( // Perform API Call , // Fallback so log here! ,
    Trace("Pauls Unique PowerApp",TraceSeverity.Error, {UserName:User().Email,         Role:gblRole, ErrorMsg:ErrorInfo.Message, ErrorControl:ErrorInfo.Control,         ErrorProperty:ErrorInfo.Property});     Notify("Err message ..." & ErrorInfo.Message); // Display the error on the UI
More detail..

Possible Canvas Apps Error Handling Pattern:
  1. Ensure AppInsights key is added to each canvas app
  2. Use IfError() to check calls and logic
  3. Use the Trace method to write info to App Insights
  4. Do I want to enable the Experimental error handling features (great to trace by correlationId)
  5. Consider all Power Automate that use Power Apps (ensure you use the V2 Connector)
  6. Never use IfError to handle business logic
To Review your App Insights Logging:
Open you Azure Portal > Open your App Insights blade >
Click the "Search" navigation option > Free text entry e.g. "Loyalty PowerApp"
App Insights, finding Traces generated in Power Apps

Monitoring Tool within Power Apps

The Monitor tool in Power Apps is great for debugging and tracing.
Start a monitor on the open Power App.

Monitor Tool - Showing a GET via a custom Connector and the returned response

Function/Code Logging:
Server-side code should log to App Insights or you logging framework.
It is ideal with the Trace within Power Apps explained above to be used in conjunction with 3rd party API calls.

Overview: C# code needs to have logging. If an error occurs an appropriate response must be bubbled up for the next lay

Possible C# Error Handling Pattern:

  1. All catch write exception to Log analytics or App insights 
  2. Calls to data sources, Azure Services and third party API's and complex logic ideally should be wrapped in a try catch and log the error to App insights using the C# App Insights SDK 
  3. The catch blocks ideally return the failed information so the caller code can deal with the logic using the output.  If you don't deal with the returned message, simply log the exception and rethrowing the error (this needs to be a conscious decision on each catch) 
  4. Catch specific errors: log, if you don't pass info to caller rethrow the error if applicable (bubble), respond accordingly i.e. catch the specific error and lastly use a catch all. - Heavy, but only add to existing code where this happens often or we are having problems, i.e. be specific
  5. Don't use Try, Catch to deal with business logic

Thought: Bubble up means: Code must log exceptions and returns appropriate reply to the caller, if you don't send the appropriate reply rethrow the exception after logging it so the caller has to deal with it.


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