Saturday 11 February 2023

Audit log retention in Dataverse

Overview: Audit data log retention is now fairly easy to implement in Dataverse, you can set whatever is audited and set the for how long duration easily.

Thoughts: As a simple version, I'd audit all changes into the Dataverse and set the retention to 7 years.  Now this could end up costing you a considerable amount of money so consider, do I need to audit everything, do I need to retain this long, can a use a long term storage retention approach.  There are a variety reasons for customising Datavervse data retention including: to comply with laws and potentially the need for litigation, to comply with industry standards/certification, and to keep a full history to understand why we have the current data position.
Ultimately, I need to identify/understand how to store audit history, clean up when no longer needed, ensure it is no affecting you live system performance, and can be retrieved by authorised people in the timeline required for each project or at an enterprise level.

If a system changes a lot and uses blobs, the audit history will be large and Dataverse is not necessarily the best place to store long term audit history.

Technical: Dataverse stores data in an Audit entity (table), the infrastructure has been changed in late 2022 to handle the audit data separately to allow for better non-functional requirements to available.


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