Friday 24 February 2023

Environment variables for Power Automate

Overview: Environment variables are great in Power Platform but when using managed solutions and ALM there are a couple of points that will make your deployment and support easier.

Background:  Power Platform has Environment Variables (env vars) that are sored in two entities within the Dataverse namely: definitions and values.

We deploy env vars thru solutions and can easily amend with adding an unmanaged layer.

Problem:  In you managed environment you end up with a tangle of env vars that make upgrading solutions fail.  in a nutshell, deleting unmanaged layers using the UI, only clears the value of the env var variable part. And not the definition part. The unmanaged later env var is made up of two parts and stored in the 2 environment entities in the Dataverse.  Both must be removed.

It makes sense as in UAT we have env vars initially setup in a solutions, then we have unmanaged layers added when we amended the values, then later we use a different solution to deploy the latest env var from a different solution.

What I have seen is env being deployed as part of a 1 solution for all artefacts approach, as the project grows more solutions are added for packaging and each of these solutions has a few more env variables.  Eventually as you use the env vars across multiple Canvas apps, Power automate instances, you build a dedicate solution for env vars.

Best Practice:  Well what I recommend at least

  1. Put all variables into a single solution from the start, it means it is easy to deploy them quickly across all your DTAP environments e.g. uat, Prod.
  2. In the unmanaged solution ensure the env variables do not have a "current value".  Set the "default value" in Dev.
  3. Run settings files to fill the "Current value" in each DTAP env, have the current values for each env in a single settings file that will push the settings via the pipeline i.e. setting-uat.json, setting-prd.json
Tip: If you need to change any value merely rerun the solution containing the env vars, don't ever use an unmanaged layer to change env vars.

Tip: It's better to build your Power Platform environment in DevOps pipelines but if you use existing environments and merely push solutions on top (much more common), then clean up your existing vars as outlined below.
  1. Delete both the definition and variable parts (manual) until the environment UAT, PRD has no custom env vars. - use the Dataverse meta api
  2. Run the single env var solution.
  3. Never add unmanaged layers to env variables, if you need it changes, change the solution package and deploy, should take minutes to do. 


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