Wednesday 28 July 2021

Azure DevOps User Stories Tips

Quick Point on User Stories and Acceptance Criteria.

1.      User Stories description must follow the format:

As the <role> , I want to <feature> so that <benefit>

Note: Always follow the exact same format and bold up the standard/fixed parts for user stories.  Pls keep consistency across your teams user stories.  Under the user story in the description, feel free to add more description, annotated images (very useful) and links to Figma, Axure, UI mocks or Miro.  User Stories should also follow the INVEST (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimatable, Small, and Testable) breakdown.

2.      Acceptance Criteria (Use Gherkin Language) under the user story (ensure it goes into the User Story section and not comments or the description)



Scenario: Employee requests leave
  Given an employee has sufficient leave available in the year
  When the employee schedules leave (holiday)
  Then the employee is informed his request is valid and his manager is informed of the request.

Note: Always follow the exact same format and bold up the standard/fixed parts for user stories.  Pls keep consistency across your acceptance criteria.  I bold and use the four parts as shown above in the example.  You can use "and" to extend the story, just try keep them within the idea of INVEST.

3.      Other:  Order is Tasks belong to User Stories, User Stories belong to a Feature.  Features belong to Epics  These items must be related within Azure DevOps.   Epics > Features > User Stories (Acceptance criteria) > Tasks.

Scrum - Part 1
Scrum - Part 2 
Scrum - Part 3 - Scaling Scrum
Scrum - Part 4 - Kanban and Scrum
Scrum - Part 5 - Certification PSM 1

Azure DevOps - Introduction


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